Monday, November 23, 2009

Online Bible Study Resources

Hi, metaphysical Bible study students!

I've managed to collect a lot of Internet information about Bible study. The first two links, below, are the most important: the hyperlinked version of Charles Fillmore's "Metaphysical Bible Dictionary" and his "Revealing Word," the two basic Unity tools for metaphysical Bible study. The hyperlinked Metaphysical Bible Dictionary (link in the forwarded message below) is pretty amazing, and ought to be a great tool for any metaphysical Bible study you may do.

Here is a link to an online version of Charles Fillmore's "Revealing Word," the second indispensible tool for metaphysical Bible interpretation:

ADDITIONAL LINKS FOLLOW THE FORWARDED MESSAGE FROM MARK HICKS for anyone who is interested in more extensive Bible study resources. I realize that, for most of you, this will be too much information. But if multiple translations, commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and such intrigue you: Scroll down past the forwarded message.


> Here's something that Unity Bible students will like.  If you're not into
> the Bible, just forward this memo on to anyone you know who is.  They'll
> thank you.
> [1]Click here to see the first chapter of the Gospel of John.  Click on some
> of the green links and you'll see that they take you directly to the entry
> in Charles Fillmore's Metaphysical Bible Dictionary.   This site directly
> links the Bible text to the more than 3,000 entries in Charles Fillmore's
> Metaphysical  Bible  Dictionary.    It  makes doing Metaphysical Bible
> interpretation easy and enjoyable.  And it is so quick that we can see
> connections that we had previously overlooked.
>   Links:
>     1.
> This link is part of a new, free website (no password, no advertising, no
> marketing, no begging) for Unity students that makes doing Metaphysical
> Bible     interpretation     much    easier.     The    homepage    is
>  Go  there and click on the link for the
> [3]American Standard Version Bible.  Then click on your book, chapter and
> verse.
>   Links:
>     3.
> I've been asked if this site will be password protected or if there will be
> a charge for accessing it.  Charles Fillmore freely gave us the Metaphysical
> Bible Dictionary.  Spirit gave me the computer skills to hyperlink text and
> the idea to link the Bible with the MBD.  _How can one charge for access to
> divine ideas?  _
> My only request is that you forward this email on to anyone you know who may
> be  doing  Metaphysical  Bible  interpretation  and  encourage them to
> [4]subscribe to the list.  There's lots more coming and I want to make sure
> they know about it.
>   Links:
>     4.
> Bless you,
> - Mark Hicks
> mobile: 512.923.1031


If you are interested in comparing various versions of the Bible, or being able to look up passages by the reference or by a word or phrase, the following websites, which offer multiple versions of the Bible, will be of interest. All of the sites are offered for free by various traditional, Bible-based Christian groups, so be aware that any Bible commentaries and such that are also offered will present a very conservative and often literal (definitely NOT metaphysical) interpretation of the Bible. However, there is a lot of very useful historical and archeological information provided if you are willing to look past the fundamentalist slant.

BIBLE VERSIONS (plus study tools): -- THE BIBLE GATEWAY has 20 different versions of the Bible, including the New International Version and New American Standard Version, and dozens of foreign language Bibles, but it lacks the New Revised Standard Version (the one used in Unity Institute Bible classes). It also has links for dozens of study aids including commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and daily reading plans. STUDY LIGHT is similar to Bible Gateway. Its list of Bibles includes the New Revised Standard Version (the one used in Unity Institute Bible classes) and the Lamsa Bible. It includes interlinear Greek and Hebrew texts, and has extensive cross-links to all its study tools. -- THE GEORGE LAMSA BIBLE. See also --Site devoted to the New Revised Standard Version (the one used in Unity Institute Bible classes). BIBLE STUDY TOOLS -- Over 30 versions of the Bible, including NRSV, NIV, NASB. Advanced search lets you restrict a search to a particular book or section of the Bible. It offers a parallel view (two versions side by side). Greek and Hebrew lexicons; five different Bible dictionaries. -- BLUE LETTER BIBLE: Another site with multiple versions and search tools, including Bible maps. Specialized searching tools offer unique options; check out Does not include the NRSV. -- New Jerusalem Bible (modern Catholic translation) -- The Ferrar Fenton translation (often extremely interesting alternative wordings, quoted by Charles Fillmore).

feed:// -- RSS feed offering daily readings from the English Standard Version (a contemporary translation) -- The Modern English New Testament translated and paraphrased by J. B. Phillips (example: "Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds", Romans 12:2,  becomes "Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within.") -- A page with links to all the major Bible Study websites, showing the versions each site carries.


Two different Harmonies of the Gospels (the four gospels in approximate chronological order, side by side)
-- (offers the ability to sort the passages into order by a particular Gospel, or by "title" of the event, as well as by overall chronology) -- Timeline of the Old Testament. -- A chronology of the New Testament. (Note: definite conservative perspective; other scholars assign different order and dates to the books of the NT) -- Lists all the study tools on this site, which include Encyclopedias, charts, outlines, maps, introductions to each book of the Bible, and especially to the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, an invaluable standard Bible reference work. -- Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible -- Pocket Dictionary of the Bible -- The Tyndale Bible Dictionary BIBLE MAPS A site containing links to dozens of sites with Bible maps. BIBLEMAP.ORG is a truly intriguing site that uses Google maps to display the location of biblical places, which you can select by choosing a book and chapter of the Bible. The resulting map displays both the text of the Bible and the relevant locations in it on the map.


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