Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Mysteries of Genesis" for online reading

byAllen Watson

You can find the full text of Fillmore's Mysteries of Genesis in Google books, at this link:

Read Mysteries of Genesis

Resurrection Lesson from "Keep a True Lent", by Charles Fillmore

The Resurrection

Easter Sunday. Read John 20:1-18.

Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. Its inner meaning and spiritual significance is the awakening and raising to spiritual consciousness of the I AM in man, which has been dead in trespass and sin and buried in the tomb of materiality.

"I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly."

Reading for March 14

Because Easter will fall between our March and April meetings, the group is reading and discussing the resurrection story in Luke 24 this month. We also recommend that, for background, you start with reading Luke 23, which tells the story of the crucifixion that leads up to the resurrection. The discussion will focus, though, on Chapter 24.

The Garden of Eden in our Experience

After our meeting this morning in which we discussed Genesis 2 and 3, I had a couple of thoughts about the Garden of Eden. As we said, it represents a state of consciousness, a state of your mind and my mind. Specifically, it represents bliss; complete supply; a state in which nothing is lacking.

The "fall," then, represents the loss of that consciousness.