Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Garden of Eden in our Experience

After our meeting this morning in which we discussed Genesis 2 and 3, I had a couple of thoughts about the Garden of Eden. As we said, it represents a state of consciousness, a state of your mind and my mind. Specifically, it represents bliss; complete supply; a state in which nothing is lacking.

The "fall," then, represents the loss of that consciousness.
We lose our sense of abundance when we accept any belief in lack. The serpent's lie was not simply that "you will not die." It also asserted that God was denying something to Adam and Eve, that they were not "as God", although in fact they had been created in the image and likeness of God. The serpent convinced them they lacked something and that they had to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in order to get it. They had to seek outside of themselves to obtain something they lacked. The lack was the lie.

We are believing the same lie every time we believe in lack within ourselves, every time we believe we are less than whole, every time we believe that we are unworthy, or not good enough, and try to find something outside of ourselves to fill up the emptiness. When we do that, we "die." We lose touch with God Who is our Life.

But we do not need to continue to believe the same lie Adam and Eve believed. We can remember our wholeness. We can reconnect with Christ consciousness. And when we do, we partake of the tree of life. We re-enter the Garden of Eden, which is our true home.



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