Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Emmet Fox on the importance of the Ten Commandments

Emmet Fox was a prominent New Thought minister in New York, drawing crowds in the thousands back in the 1930s and 1940s. He is famous for his sermons (which became a book) on the Sermon on the Mount, but he also wrote a wonderful little book on the Ten Commandments. Here are a few quotes from the first chapter:

The book of Exodus, part of Chapters 19 and 20, is not only one of the most important sections of the Bible, but also one of the most dramatic...

Now, this section deals with what we call the Ten Commandments, and is one of the key sections of the Bible...

This section really sums up the whole Bible teaching. If we thoroughly understand it, then we have the gist of the whole Bible. We have the underlying principle that we can also apply to understanding any part of the Bible, and that is the scientific way to approach the Bible.

It is one of the most important sections for us because it teaches us the laws of life, and it is only when we understand the laws of life that we become masters—masters of our own conditions. Divine Providence means us to be masters of our conditions.

The book of Exodus deals with the getting out of limitation, which means the getting out of evil, because all evil is limitation of one kind or another. It shows us how to get out of our own limitations—our weakness, and fearfulness, and stupidity, and sin, and sickness—and become the wonderful thing that God intended us to be.

The Bible says that we have dominion over all things—and we have—but we can only have that dominion when we learn the laws of life and apply them. There is no dominion without it.

Come to the group Bible study at 8:45 AM, July 11, to discover what these "laws of life" are, and how we can use them!
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