Our next meeting will be this coming Sunday, November 14, at 9:00 AM. Note the change from our previous starting time of 8:45! Although we are starting 15 minutes later, the meeting will still end at 10:15, to free the space for the teens.
Last month, we studied the first six chapters of Joshua. In the original schedule, Joshua 6 was to be the text for November 14, but since we studied that last month, we are going on to the next portion, which is Judges 6 to 8, the story of Gideon.
In December, we will be covering the Christmas story as told in Matthew 1:18 - 2:23; Luke 2:1 - 40. The passages for subsequent months will be announced later.
Many of the women from our church, including my co-facilitator, Christina Rose, will be away at the Women's Retreat, so if you will be in town Sunday morning, please join me for metaphysical Bible study!
Monday, November 8, 2010
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