Sunday, March 14, 2010

Some thoughts from today's meeting; next meeting date and reading assignment

by Allen Watson

Today's discussion of Luke 24
We had a light turnout this morning, due in part, I'm sure, to the combination of our early meeting hour and the "spring ahead" time change. But the discussion was rich and rewarding among the six of us who attended.

The main thoughts I came away with were from the discussion based on the question, "Why do you seek the Living One among the dead?" that the angels asked the women who came to anoint the body of Jesus, only to find the empty tomb.  Several people each shared ways they saw themselves making a similar mistake: trying to hold on to "dead" ways of being living by them instead of letting them go and moving on; looking for nourishment from old rituals or behaviors that used to nourish but have lost their vitality; seeking spiritual life in dead churches; and so on. It was a very interesting discussion, and everyone seemed to have something to share.

Next Meeting
Our next meeting date will be April 11. The reading for next time will be on Genesis 15, the story of Abraham's calling. Check this blog before the meeting because I'll post some background information about Abraham; and remember you can also check out Charles Fillmore's thoughts on the chapter in  Mysteries of Genesis


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