Sunday, January 3, 2010


If you will think about and meditate upon the reading each week and ask yourself, What does it say? What are the messages being communicated?
This type of inquiry involves thinking about and meditating upon what is read. It may mean recognizing that a passage does not mean what we want it to mean, or what we have been told it means, no matter how many years we may have thought other wise.
I guarantee that you will get more out of this group if you will write your reaction and thoughts. In the act opf writing your thoughts will become solid and you can work with them to transform them. There will be at a minimum one question, one application every week that will have a direct impact on your life.
If you tag along with us and stay up to date on the discussion by the time we reach the end you will have a grasp of the whole Bible story and how it all fits together. Also, we will have a greater perception of God, the power of prayer, thanksgiving, the meaning of your own life and peace.


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