Thursday, January 14, 2010

You Are Not Enough the Way You Are Gen 3

V 5're not enough the way you are; created in the image and likeness of God you've got to make something of yourselves

The story we tell ourselves goes like this: Our beginnings are in our achievements. There are no gifts to be given because there's no giver. We end up only with whatever we manage to scrape together for ourselves. Whoever has the most stuff when he dies wins. 'This story ends in despair.

It gives us a present tense of anxiety, fear, greed and brutality.' It abuses people, races and cultures, it produces '...indifference to the poor, the buildup of armaments, divisions between people, and environmental racism. It tells us not to care about anyone but ourselves...' Brueggeman

In my attempts to 'get somewhere' I actually arrive nowhere because the only thing that really matters is now. I've spent far too much time trying to get there and missing HERE AND NOW. "If you want to compare yourself to someone, compare yourself to the person you could be." Strive to become that person. Good Luck and don't give up.

You may have seen the PBS series on Genesis, hosted by Bill Moyers. A question is raised during the discussion: "What if the man had not gone along with the woman?" What if they had just asked God more about the prohibition against eating from the tree? Why didn’t they simply consult with God for assurance or clarification?

V 6 the fruit is going to make me smart, and I can depend on myself. One wonders why the woman doesn’t say, ‘Hey, I don’t feel any different,’ before sharing the fruit. The irony of the story is that God’s presence had been with them all along, yet they went looking for knowledge elsewhere and what they found was fear, shame, guilt, alienation, self judgment and self humiliation – pretty low vibes on the evolutionary scale of consciousness.

V 7 Stitching [with a needle and thread?] together the "leaves of the trees"

V 8 When Adam and Eve heard the sound of the Lord walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze was their behavior that of people who now knew everything God knew? If they knew everything God knew, why crouch in fear? If they knew what God knew, they would have stood confidently meeting a friend. They would have said: Hey God! What’s happening?

That’s why God asked Adam, “Where are you?” God knew where he was physically! But Eve and Adam were nowhere to be found in the consciousness of unity! They had fallen into duality consciousness.

God allows the man and woman to continue the journey of duality, of free choice, with the expectation of their growing back into Unity, trust and love. The good news of this story is Consciousness wants our return to unity. In what ways are we attempting to "hide from Consciousness?"


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